Note that you don’t need to define a Billable metric to create a Plan. However, if you have usage feature to charge, the price of your Billable metrics is defined inside each Plan. Make sure to understand how to create a Billable metric first.

Plan structure

A Plan defines the features your customers have access to, the prices paid to access them and the invoicing cadence. In order to invoice a Customer with Lago, you must assign a Plan to a customer.

But first, let’s define the structure of a Plan:

  1. The Plan basic informations
    • A Plan name
    • A Plan code
    • A Plan description
  2. The Plan model
    • A Plan interval
    • A Plan base amount with the currency
    • Boolean to define if the Plan is paid in advance or in arrears
    • A Plan trial period in days
    • Taxes applied to this plan
  3. The additional charges for this Plan (any Billable metrics that have been created)
    • A Charge model
    • A Charge amount and its currency (automatically inherited from the currency of the Plan)
    • A Charge spending minimum
    • Boolean to define if the Charge is paid in advance or in arrears
    • Taxes applied to this charge (overriding the one defined on the plan)

Editing and deleting Plans

Plans can be edited and deleted only if they are not linked to a Customer (meaning there is no active subscription for this Plan).

If you want to make a change to a Plan already linked to a Customer, you have 2 options:

  1. Remove all active subscriptions
  2. Create a new Plan