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Create campaigns

Automatic dunning relies on the concept of dunning campaign, which then can be applied at the organization level, or per customer. You can create several campaigns to accommodate different needs: different thresholds or different cadences for instance. The goal of a campaign is to collect payment for a customer’s overdue balance.

Set dunning at the organization level

Follow these steps to create a new campaign

  1. Access the dunning settings page through the Settings section > Dunning tab;
  2. In the Dunning campaigns section, click “Add” to create a new campaign;

Campaign settings

These settings allow you to identify a campaign.

  1. Enter its name;
  2. Assign it a unique code (i.e. unique ID as defined in your backend system); and
  3. Add a description (optional).

Trigger settings

These settings define when a campaign should start running for a customer.

  1. Define an overdue balance threshold.

At least one threshold is required to be able to save a campaign.

You can define as many thresholds as currencies you support. When a dunning campaign applies to a customer, as soon as they reach this threshold, the campaign will launch for this customer.

If a customer is invoiced in a currency that you don’t support in your dunning campaign, they won’t be eligible to this dunning campaign.

Attempt settings

  1. You can preview the email sent in case no payment provider is linked, or if the payment from an attempt fails.
  2. Add a delay between attempts, in days.

The first attempt of a dunning campaign will happen when the overdue balance threshold is met. The next attempts will be triggered after the delay you have set.

  1. Decide to End the flow after a number of attempts.

Default campaign for your organization

  1. You can choose to Set as default campaign for your organization.

Create a dunning campaign

Automatic dunning at the organization level

When defining a default campaign at the organization level, the campaign will apply to all customers inheriting the organization dunning behavior, except those for whom:

  • a specific campaign has been applied,
  • dunning has been deactivated.

It is possible to have no campaign defined as default for the organization, and apply dunning campaigns independently to each customer.

This setting is also available from the list of dunning campaigns, from where you can directly set a campaign as default for the organization.

Automatic dunning at the customer level

If a campaign has been set as default for the organization, by default it will apply to all customers. You can chose to override this behavior at the customer level.

  1. Access the customer settings page through the Customer details page > Settings tab;
  2. In the Dunning section, click “Edit” to change the dunning behavior;
  3. Select the behavior you want to apply.

Apply a dunning campaign at the customer level

Fallback to default dunning behavior from organization

The behavior defined at the organization level will prevail: either a campaign is applied, or no dunning is set.

Apply a specific campaign for a customer

Only the campaigns with a threshold defined in the customer’s currency are available. The campaign will apply as soon as the behavior is saved, and the customer will no longer listen to what has been defined at the organization level.

Deactivate dunning

No automatic dunning attempt will impact this customer, whether it is the default organization campaign or a campaign applied at the customer level.

You can still trigger manual duning requests for the customer.

Apply a dunning campaign at the customer level

Change from one campaign to another

If you change the default campaign to apply another, or if you change the campaign applied to a customer, dunning could running for some customers. In that case the current campaign will be stopped, and the new campaign will take precedence and start from zero.

Behavior of a campaign

Once a campaign is applied to a customer:

  1. Its threshold will be monitored.
  2. When the customer’s overdue balance reaches the threshold, a first payment request will be triggered during the coming hour. Depending if a payment provider is available for the customer or not, a payment intent and/or an email will be triggered.
  3. If a second attempt is planned, after the defined delay the overdue balance will be checked again. If still above the threshold, a new attempt will be triggered. New attempts will be triggered this way until the maximum number of attempts defined is reached.
  4. If reaching the end of the planned attempts, the dunning campaign will be considered as completed. No further attempts will be triggered, unless the campaign applied to the customer is changed.

A payment provider is connected for the customer

A payment intent will be generated for the amount shown.

  • If the payment fails, and email will be sent requesting payment, with a URL to pay (except for Gocardless where no payment URL is provided).
  • When the payment is successful, the attached invoices will automatically be updated with a succeeded payment status.

No payment provider is available for the customer

An email will be sent requesting payment for the overdue balance.

  • When the payment is successful, you will have to manually update the payment status of said invoices.